Sandra’s in-depth answers to some of our burning health and productivity questions depict an empath who understands the pressures and mental problems entrepreneurs go through. Sandra runs her own wellness platform where she helps people manage stress, psychological issues, and other mental health issues through a combination of Jin Shin Jyutsu, biofeedback, flower essences and other techniques to help improve their lives. Here’s her journey as a solo entrepreneur running a platform that’s trying to make a strong impact.

1. Please share your story with us.
My life today is the result of a combination of destiny and evolution. From being someone who worked for an equity firm to being someone who learned Jin Shin Jyutsu in Singapore, I came a long way. A few years ago, as I moved countries with my ex-husband, I realized how uprooted and unfulfilled I felt and desperately wanted to do something of my own. I had always been someone who refused to stick to one single path and wanted to explore different things. I came across Jin Shin Jyutsu (the ancient art of healing through touch) during my stay in Singapore and began exploring the new possibility of being a holistic healer.
Over the years, my knowledge, experience, and life situations pushed me to launch my own wellness program called The What Therapy.Today, I work for myself, I help people, I write about traveling and animals, I indulge in my passion for photography and graphics and do things I absolutely love!
2. As someone working for herself, what challenges are you facing?
To be honest, the biggest challenge in the last few years was getting through a difficult divorce and taking care of my two beloved dogs all while trying to be 100% present with my clients and community. I also face a significant professional challenge where people like myself (healers & empaths) have to be strong for our clients. Being on the spiritual path shouldn’t be demanding but ironically, it demands us to be OK even if we are not just so we can help our clients overcome their problems. I am consciously working on removing unnecessary baggage and doing a great job!

3. What motivates you to continue on this journey?
The ability to be able to do multiple things at my own time is what motivates me the most! People say pick one thing and stick to it – I’m glad I never listened. Doing one thing would drive me nuts! Because I get to write, lead workshops, organize events and work one-on-one with my clients, I don’t get bored or burned-out. I’m always getting inspired and curious.
4. How have you helped people with your platform?
It’s hard to quantify the impact my platform has on people, but I’ve received a fair share of positive messages from people telling me how an article or a post on social media has helped them improve their lives. More importantly, mental health is still a taboo topic and people are not usually up for sharing their healing journey or their battle against depression and other mental problems. This is where I try to use empowering language to help people find solutions to their problems and work with them to improve their health and enhance their lives.
5. Your first piece of advice to first-time entrepreneurs would be?
Know your why. Everything builds around that. You transmit and receive through your why. When the going gets tough or when there is a lot of outside noise, your why is where you go back to. It’s a sacred space. Your sanctuary. Pure and untainted. That’s your path, your passion, and your self-care.
Sandra was never one to stay fixated in one line of profession. She is a perpetual learner and continues to grow and explore her potential. Like they say, if Plan A doesn’t work, you’ve got 25 other alphabets!
Now, it’s your turn:
What inspired *you* about Sandra’s story? Let us know in the comments! 🤗
P.S – We want to get to know you better and the work you are doing — please share your stories below! 💪